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Do you truly understand true Telecoms Expense Management?

Telecom expense management (TEM’s) is a major role player in the way that organizations manage their telecoms expenses. However, it is evident that organizations that don’t truly understand TEM’s, often find themselves over-spending, struggling to remain in-budget and contracting unnecessary or inefficient telecoms services that they have little to no visibility of.

This article will be shedding light on some of the most common misunderstandings surrounding telecoms expense management.

  1. TEM’s only focuses on cost savings: Most people think that TEM’s is solely about reducing telecoms expense but it also focuses on managing telecoms assets, improving telecoms efficiency and optimizing and organizations’ telecoms environment.
  1. TEM’s is a once-off process: TEM’s is in fact an on-going process as it requires continuous monitoring, updating and modifying in order to stay effective in relation to the ever-changing telecoms industry.
  1. TEM’s gets rid of all your Telecoms costs: Telecoms services are vital to any organization, so getting rid of them is not advised. TEM’S does not eliminate telecoms costs but rather ensures the services that are being paid for are necessary and efficient.
  1. Having a good relationship with your telecoms service provider means you don’t need a TEM’s solution: While having healthy relationships with your telecoms service provider is advised, TEM’s solutions analyse an organizations’ telecoms environment using an objective approach, therefor making it easier and increasing the likelihood of finding discrepancies.
  1. TEM’s only involves mobile expenses: Incorrect. TEM’s involves all telecoms expenses which include; voice services, data services, equipment, licenses, managed services and so on.
  1. TEM’s is solely the IT departments’ responsibility: While IT departments play a critical role, TEM’s is also the responsibility of finance, procurement and operational teams.
  1. TEM’s is only needed when resolving billing disputes: Due to the proactive nature of TEM’s, most telecoms expense issues are prevented before they can become real issues.
  1. Manual tracking is sufficient for TEM’s: Manual tracking is labour-intensive and prone to human-error, where automated TEM’s solutions are the exact opposite.
  1. TEM’s is only focused on numbers: While monetary savings is a key benefit of TEM’s, true TEM’s includes focusing on improving overall communication efficiency, improving user experience and aligning an organizations’ telecoms environment with their organizational goals.
  1. TEM’s can be managed internally without external expertise: True TEM’s requires the expertise of telecoms industry specialists that likely don’t exist in-house.
  1. TEM’s solutions are too expensive: Some organisations think that investing in a TEM’s solutions isn’t worth the cost. However, the potential savings and efficiencies attainable from this investment often far outweigh the cost.
  1. All telecom expenses are easy to identify: There is an assumption that all telecom expenses are clear and easy to understand. However, hidden costs, unclear invoice entries and complex billing structures can make telecoms expenses difficult to keep track of.
  1. This bring us to our last misunderstanding, all TEM’s solutions are the same as Telegence, our true TEM’s solution. While there are multiple TEM’s solutions out there each focusing on different aspects of telecoms expense management, Telegence not only focuses on all aspects of telecoms expense management, but also follows our strict 7-step auditing and reinvention process.

If it’s not Telegence, it’s not true telecoms expense management.